This is recycled from my previous solo battle, but the scrub in center of terrain is expanded to cover all of the middle.
The road scrub and cute plough areas are by CigarBox Battles, and are made of fabric.
2. Terrain
Once again plough around the defenders BUA is in place (good going unless a 1 is rolled)
3. The armies
I initially randomly rolled opposing armies but one of them was Pecheneg so I thought hey, there's a full side left in the Steppe Armies box, why not try that?
Technically I would need to borrow one more Ax element for the slavs, but I'm using a Bw element in the BUA and calling it Ax.
The Pechenegs of course field the two WWg I've been wanting to use, while the Sth Slavs field CvGen and Cv.
4. Chance during battle. I'm adapting the previous d12 rules (see LIR v Burgundians).
A d12 is rolled on a bound alongside PIP d6, IF
Fired on first time
In four BW of enemy first time
Attacked and enemy crossed terrain types (excl fortification)
Enemy revealed from hiding.
A specific d12 effect eg pursuit move, recoil, applies first to the element or unit that triggered the roll. A non-specific d12 effect applies to the general, eg lose a PIP.
1-4, no effects.
5-7, remove 1 PIP, but ignore this result on a roll of a 1.
8, one element nearest enemy (including in b2b contact) recoils, or flees if light troops, and if grouped the unit follows suit. Ignore if in BUA.
9-11, one element on the board receives a benny and if grouped the whole unit may choose to use it. Uses include an additional PIP, or second shooting.
12, one element nearest enemy but not in b2b contact makes a pursuit move towards enemy. If warband they receive a free PIP for a charge move.
Slavs roll 1 PIP. Plough is thereby deemed Rough Going! The deployed two groups become 5 columns and a right wing element!
The Cv deploys to centre, a switch up.
Pechenegs roll 5 PIP.
I suddenly realize I don't know WWg move. It is a piffling 2BW, so they ought not to be on the wings. Oh well.
The Pecheneg right rolls forward then the LH group surges around Rough scrub and wheels towards the Slav left!
D12 Condition triggered.
Slavs roll 5 PIP and rnd8, the recoil.
That does not prevent general movement against the threat!
CvGen v rear supp LH: 10:7, LH recoil
Cv v overlapped rear supp LH: 8:3, LH destroyed.
The Pechenegs roll 6 PIP and no random effects.
The CvGen pulls his support Cv along to the road, then:
- sends the nearest LH around in a two-move wheel
- sends the remaining left forward at the WWg pace
- takes a road move into contact? Yes, that's legal.
Melee: 5:6, CvGen recoils.
The sudden road move triggered another d12 for the Slavs.
The Slavs roll 6 PIP and no rnd FX.
Only the farthest right column is outside control, so the whole Slav line flexes menacingly forward!
Pechenegs receive a d12 check from this proximity.
Pechenegs roll 5 PIP and 11, the benny. The CvGen takes that.
This allows him to double move, after shifting the attack further left but moving his right WWg forward.
Melee 5:3, Ax recoil.
The Slavs roll 6 PIP.
The battle right hots up.
Ax v flanked LH 4:5, Ax recoil!
Ax at rear: 7:4, LH recoil. Can they? Yes as the rear-contacted LH are pushed forward to contact the recoiled Ax. This does not forbid the pushed LH from overlapping, I believe.
Ax v rear supp LH: 7:8, Ax recoil.
The positions at the end of Slav bound:
The Pechenegs roll 5 PIP.
A little obsessively the melee on the left continues!
Rear supp LH v Ax: 8:6, Ax recoil.
LH v overlapped Ax: 7:3, Ax destroyed
LH v Ax where P CvGen is in contact: 5:8, LH recoils, Ax slide and turn.
Slavs roll 4 PIP.
One Ps element is brought to provide more potential overlap for the Cv, while back on the right, Ax rush to pick off a support LH
Ax v overlapped LH: 8:3, LH flee to board edge.
Ax v CvGen: 9:10, Ax recoil.
Pechenegs roll 4 PIP.
Dicing with death the CvGen pushes forward!
CvGen v Ax: 7:4, Ax recoil.
Rear supp LH v double overlapped Ax: 3:7, LH flee!
Slavs roll 5 PIP
The grouped line of Ax advances but only one can help against the enemy CvGen. The Ax in scrub also pushes forward but can't contact Cv.
Meanwhile the Slav left charges the LH group.
CvGen v overlapped LH: 9:7, LH recoil.
Cv v double overlapped LH: 9:5, LH recoil.
Ax v flanked CvGen: 9:9 no effect.
Ax v flanked CvGen: 9:9 no effect.
Pechenegs roll 5 PIP.
The Cv pull out of the potential rough-ground battle. The left flank LH rejoin.
LH in 3 on one: finally the Ax is destroyed.
Flanked CvGen v flanked Ax: 4:8, CvGen destroyed! LH recoil.
Slavs roll 3 PIP.
The exposed Ax on right strikes a LH flank while the CvGen's group advances again.
Isolated Ax v LH: 8:8
CvGen v overlapped LH: 8:3, LH destroyed
Cv v double overlapped LH: 7:3, LH destroyed.
So with some good melee rolls the Slavs pull off a victory, 4Gen to 2.
An intriguing game with several points where the rules are carefully checked!
Once again that patch of scrub is demonic for the mounted side.
By making the d12 conditional the effects of more random chance were greatly lessened. I think I'm on the right track with them.
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