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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

II/13 Samnite v II/39 Ancient Spanish

1. The battle setup
This is a solo DBA3.0 game using a non-standard terrain set, and some additional chance rules.

2. The board
For this solo game I created a terrain-cluttered board then found armies I thought would look attractive on it.
The mat is FLG Grasslands, terrain pieces and bases are scratch built. 
2. Defenders are Ancient Spanish on left above, and do not bother with a garrison in camp. Instead they tack down the right by occupying the woods, and stand ready to advance on centre and left.
Army options: I'm using the straight Iberian (a) army which has no options. CvGen, LH, 6x3 or 4Ax (I have 4x3Ax) and 4xPs.
3. Attackers, the Samnites, are on right (top above). They too ignore their camp. They load their right to cope with the Spanish left.
Army options: you can actually have a 12x4Ax Samnite army if you want, but I choose the CvGen so as to rush command control around, and a Ps to cope with screening.
4. Chance
I'm going with the same chance as last time EXCEPT that a PIP roll of 1 offers one more chance.
STANCE CHANGE: when a side rolls 1 PIP,  roll one more d6. If it is HIGHER THAN both the 1 plus previous turn's PIP roll, the general changes stance as follows:
6: flank march. An extra element appears within 4 BW of the enemy baseline, on the side of the board nearest the friendly general.
5: dummy reveal: an element that is currently not within bowshot of any enemy element is repositioned behind any other friendly element, in b2b contact
4: subtle feint: two elements both at least 4BW from the sides and not in b2b contact with an enemy are swapped, both ending facing the same way as their opposite.
3: modest adjustment: the general or if that element is taken or in melee any element at least 4BW from the sides receives a free reposition up to its normal move in the terrain it begins in.
Note: Turn 1 1-PIP means the "previous turn" is nil, but the requirement of a 3+ to effect a change of stance still applies.
Note: the flank-march element should be the most mobile among the options available while still being able to effectively traverse flank terrain. For example, LCh would not be sent at a swamp flank.

Reminder of the d12 rules used last:
A d12 is rolled on a bound alongside PIP d6, IF
Fired on first time
In four BW of enemy first time
Attacked and enemy crossed terrain types (excl fortification)
Enemy revealed from hiding.
Note: A specific d12 effect eg pursuit move, recoil, applies first to the element or unit that triggered the roll. A non-specific d12 effect applies to the general, eg lose a PIP.
1-4, no effects.
5-7, remove 1 PIP, but ignore this result on a roll of a 1.
8, one element nearest enemy (including in b2b contact) recoils, or flees if light troops, and if grouped the unit follows suit. Ignore if in BUA.
9-11, one element on the board receives a benny and if grouped the whole unit may choose to use it. Uses include an additional PIP, or second shooting.
12, one element nearest enemy but not in b2b contact makes a pursuit move towards enemy. If warband they receive a free PIP for a charge move.


Spanish roll 5 PIP. 
The left flank expands: LH+Ps head out at a cost of 3 PIP, very wide, so as to offer a threat to any advancing column closer in.
The two Ps head into the scrub Rough ground in front of base. None of them get within 4BW of enemy.
Samnites roll 5 PIP 
There is a tempting left-hook on offer, using high ground at centre to threaten any enemy advance. On the right, where the majority of elements are deployed, a simple holding force at the large gentle hill should be enough.
This places a number of elements within 4BW of one another, with d12 checks beginning next bound.

Spanish roll 1 PIP: as a reroll of 6 cannot be higher than the 1 plus last turn's 5, we move to d12, which is a 4, no change.
The next left column of 3Ax advances.

Samnites roll 5 PIP 
Columns march left, around and over the steep hill. Then in a daring move the CvGen advances and the next right column double-wheels behind.
Spanish roll 5 PIP 
What began as a precaution on the left is now taken up as an opportunity! Advancing left to regain control, the CvGen sends his entire left wheeling and advancing to ZOC the enemy!
Samnites roll 1 PIP!
Protecting the CvGen exposed flank is the priority. 
Spanish roll 2 PIP 
Well... they never intended to pulverize the Samnites so the worst-exposed Ps retreats and (somewhat reluctantly) the "heavy" Ax column moves up.
Samnites roll 4 PIP 
Things could be better. 8 PIP would have been handy!
The Samnite center wheels to hold the heights against the oncoming solids, and the CvGen has a rush of blood and attacks!
CvGen v Ax: 9:7, Ax recoil (Ax needed to be entirely on the hill to claim benefits)
Ax solid v overlapped Ax fast: 8:3, fast Ax destroyed.
Thanks to a 5:1 the rash advance has worked!
Spanish roll 4 PIP 
It's tempting to pull back but the CvGen advances through his Ps towards the gap, allowing that Ps to slide behind while the recoiled Ps moves back further and into line.
Instead of pulling the centre's Ps back, the LH at far left charges downhill!
Melee: LH uphill v Ps 9:3, Ps destroyed 

Samnites roll 6 PIP 
That's really good news because the ungarrisoned base is in danger. The CvGen pulls back and realigns. Still wishing to keep pressure on, one Ax descends to attack Ps. To defend the right, Ax block LH and attack Ps.
Centre Ax v Ps 8:3, Ps destroyed
Right Ax v Ps 6:5, Ps recoil 

Spanish roll 5 PIP 
Some self-destructive moves follow. LH use the downhill slope to attack again, with a flank exposed. That flank may be struck by the next Ax element if recoiled: 2xPs attack that one. The CvGen pulls a solid 4Ax across to meet its equal, and the second Ax to overlap AND attack the heights.
LH uphill v 4Ax 8:9, LH recoil
Ps v overlapped 4Ax 4:8, Ps destroyed
4Ax v overlapped 4Ax 7:5, Samn Ax recoils
4Ax v uphill 4Ax 5:6, Spanish Ax recoils
Samnites roll 1 PIP 
CvGen pulls straight back to restore some command.

Spanish roll 2 PIP 
The CvGen and fast 3Ax incline left to a slightly better position. Although he is losing, the local advantage on the left flank is now 4 on 3.
Samnites roll 4 PIP 
Risking leaving his right as-is, the CvGen stays put and orders his left to wheel round the high ground. The other 3 PIPs are spent on a double-overlap against the exposed 4Ax in center. 
Melee: 5:2, Ax destroyed, game over.

Samnites win 4:1

The Chance lists played no hand, as both sides rolled great PIP rolls nearly continuously. 

I feel the d12 is now too rare. Maybe each element needs its own set of triggers?

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