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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Celtiberian heavies completed

In the usual fashion, everything came together over the weekend, and I based them up over the last couple of evenings.

The four elements here included a tap-back on one element previously completed. I removed two less-dangerous looking minis and added two of the new ones. It's on the right rear of this photo:

The minis for this run are almost entirely an even balance of the Celtiberian pose from Carthaginian Command, and run-of-the-mill Roman auxilia. All these have been equipped with Itaeleri/Revell Gallic shields, and a variety of spears including homemade wire spears. The 'leader' mini also comes from Carthaginian Command, with a standard from one or other of the HaT ancient Spanish or Gauls boxes.

All told, with the previous elements, I end up with 4x3Ax and 2x4Ax, all of which can be used as Wb if need be. They'll give me more options in cases where I want to use both Carthaginians and Spanish, with or without Romans and Gauls.

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