Saturday, August 3, 2024

bench update 04 August 2024

With all the fantasy/weird west 28mm minis painted, I'm assembling contenders for Mongol LH. NOT Golden Horde, I want the invaders to fight my Teutonics and Russians. The existing core of CvGen, 2xCv, 6xLH are soaking in neat Dettol (pine tar based disinfectant) and we shall see if that cuts through the thick protective varnish to strip paint.
For the remaining 3x LH I have found a number of Italeri Saracen - but not quite enough. I have pulled in some contenders from the large number of spare Strelets Turcopoles - but those are big mounts. I have even added two pair HaT late Roman LH, on small dainty mounts that look like ponies.

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