Friday, June 7, 2024

bench update 07 June 2024

But wait! There's an extra mini project!

Basing of the Mycenaean minis is going well, and all the ones I had ready are sporting nice sand/rock combos. I think a vivid green grass may work well. But meanwhile the lack of Mycenaean spears has become something I can't ignore.
I haven't checked but I suspect Caesar Miniatures designed their box for 2nd edition. 3.0 rules up to six Sp elements or 4 plus 2 Pk. Even with using some Trojan minis to pad the numbers out I'm only at 2 plus 2. 
So I've selected six spare swords, and the two spare heavy chariot warriors. I'm planning to use some spare spears to equip the swords. (Ironically these spears are from another Caesar Miniatures set, Early Imp Romans - anyone had to find alternative pila for those?)
This close-up gives you the general idea:

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