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Friday, May 31, 2024

Capping off a mistake

The minis are getting quite near the point where a magic wash can be laid down, followed by more highlights. It's time to acknowledge what a series of messes I've made of boars-tusk helmets. So today I've laid cold white over them, no more of this clever-clever tint business. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Shields and skin tones

Pictorial resources are not much help for these minis because most of the shields are moulded with a weird "badly desiccated wood grain" that you most often see on fantasy shields. So I've decided to treat that as "hair left on" hide and give them a cattlehide look to match the chariots. So far just the light shade.

The other color I've worked on today, and only on one stick so far, is skin tone. I have no source that suggests the people of Ilios were less light-skinned than their Mycenaean rivals, so it's all of one shade.

Oh! And looking at that picture reminds me I also slapped ivory tone down on boars-tusk helmets. I have doubts about that but I felt like I had to.

Friday, May 24, 2024

bench update 25 May 2024

The pace is really picking up on these minis, as they look more and more like finished product. I've still got skin finish, hair details, and lots of highlights to do!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

bench update 19 May 2024

More progress, though it might look more than it is. I stuck some of the looser minis to more painting sticks. Some of these are looking really nice. I have to make some decisions about shield colors soon.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

bench update 05 May 2024

Just one more stick of minis with bronze added today.