Saturday, March 19, 2022

Anglo-Dane project (re)begins

So a while back I started trying to locate decent looking huscarl minis so that my rubbish mish-mash of Anglo-Saxon armies could morph to a distinct C11 Anglo-Dane army.

But what i concluded was that i just didn't have the minis. Over the Christmas break I ordered Strelets M003 Anglo-Saxons. They are very nice but sadly lacking in true huscarls wielding Danish axes.

Today I'm looking at the upgrade work, totted up what the army needs and what resources I have.
One of my chief resources is the Spanish Medieval Foot AKA El Cid Spanish Infantry from HaT. There are some great minis in there and plenty of spares, as it's a big-box.

Let's try to keep the momentum!

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